Meter-It was acquired by the Makoya Group as at 1 October 2017. It is now trading as a division of Makoya Utility Services (Pty) Ltd
Historically – the company was borne out of a merger between two companies – the individuals in each, all with significant track records, both in the private and public utility sector. This collective experience and knowledge base, spans several disciplines including but not limited to interalia:
- Specialised utility management services
- Meter reading services on conventional meters for a large number of national property owners
- Smart metering for public utilities’ large power users (LPU’s)
- Water management interventions for large institutions
- Large scale utility audits
We provide smart services and solutions to the utility challenges faced by property owners and consumers, the primary focus being on optimizing profitability and leveraging costs. In the current climate of punitive costs on all utilities and related commodities, the company sees itself as a critical interface between utility service providers and its end users, ensuring that compliance is adhered to on both sides.